

I’ve probably blogged or hinted about this before and if you follow us on Instagram you will see a few videos, what I’m hoping to do is make our own promo video for our as yet unreleased Crowdfunder page. I’ll be trying hard not to talk directly to camera so expect a montage of video clips with a voice-over and maybe even a little background music to replace the brewery background noise.

As with most things in this brewery, if we can do them ourselves we will; Building work, fitting a chiller system, plumbing, graphic design, fitting the bar out, building a mobile bar etc. All this saved us needing to have extra money to start and run our brewery, that said, we spent up all we had on getting up and running and not the monthly ebb and flow of business doesn’t seem to gain us the elusive chunk of money to dedicate towards a Canning or Bottling run and there is always something that crops up to draw money away from our goal.
If we could turn back the clock by 4 years we would buy less fermenting vessels, maybe cheaper ones and have used that money to get into Bottling way sooner, everything is good in hindsight.

This is where you come in and the geeky video, and the trying to avoid to talk to camera… Oh and Crowdfunder! We want to try and raise a fairly minimal *£3000, that is 60 people willing to pledge £50 which will get us over the first step into small-packaged beer, that will get us into Bottle shops and bar fridges, let us do proper off-sales from the brewery and not to mention help us open doors to pubs and wholesalers who want to try before they buy.

*Approx £3000 will pay for a Mobile Canner to come to site, pay for all the printing and Labeling costs and also pay for the packaging of cans into boxes. Thats over 3000 Bottles of beer.

We like the idea of Crowdfunder pledgees getting back what they put in so if you pledge for a package thats worth £50 you will eventually get back £50-worth of beer, there will of course be other packages ranging in value and also with things like Brewday Experiences, T-Shirts etc,  maybe even a beer of your own, maybe a certain level of Pledge will get you our brewery tap for a big party for you and all your mates.

We don’t want to limit ourselves with an initial Crowdfunder amount of £3000, if we double that it gives us the prospect of further investment…
£3000 reached we will pretty much get 1200 litres of a single beer Canned.
£6000 reached we should be able to Can multiple beers.
£12000+ if the unthinkable happens and we smash our other targets I see it that we have to make a choice between brewery improvements like buying a Cold Liquor tank or maybe a Conditioning Tank or we will start a **Micropub to properly showcase our beers and those of other independent brewers. The Micropub idea would give the Pledgers who want their ‘investment of goodwill’  back via beer a great outlet to pop in and make a Good-will withdrawal 😉 I guess the other bonus of a Micropub will be that it will create jobs and potentially improve an empty retail shop giving it a new lease of life.

**To be honest, maybe if we smash £6k we should look at a Micropub! Give us your thoughts!And if we do get to do a Micropub, think lots of Keg taps a few Handpulls, Bottles, Cans, Great coffee, food? maybe!

We would love to hear from you if you would be interested in helping our small brewery grow in a sustainable fashion, you can talk to us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or email