India Pale Ale

We brew a range of IPA’s, Session IPA’s and Dry-Hopped Pale Ales, there is usually at least 1-2 available in Cask and 30 litre keykegs, all Unfined, Unfiltered and Vegan. We also brew lots of other beers on a rotational basis, Sign up to our Trade Emails for all the new beers.

Nebula Haze 5%
Hop Tango (Ever-changing Two-hop-Combo) 5%
Constructivist 4%
Wet-Wired 5%
Social Banter 3.8%
Simcoe on sine waves 5%
Pixie Juice 5%
Hop Dust Handcuffs 6%
Wibble 5.2%
Tiny Pixie 4.2%

Landline: 01535600412
Office Mobile/Whatsapp: 07867419445