Stick to our guns

I’ve written about the cost of beer before and I have seen some conversation online about encouraging brewers to make beer that can be sold at £3 a pint, I feel we ask a fair price for every cask of beer we sell and a lot of our beer could be sold at £3 a pint.

This snowy weather made me think that it would be nice if we had more local support for our beers so when the bad weather hits we can still get beers out of the door to at least some of our customers easier.
I feel the likes of Leeds and Manchester do a lot more supporting of Brewers within the bounds of the city area however a lot of the brewers outside of that area seem to get missed out, then local pubs to those brewers outside of cities struggle sell their beers in the same towns.
Its a bit sad that Localism and Local Support are city based, there are pubs in Keighley/Local that will be getting beer from 30 miles away or more on a regular basis yet they hardly ever ShopLocal.

I question whether we should brew a range of beers that may encourage local pubs to buy local beers, Ya know…. Beers with less ingredients at no more than 4% Which could all be sold at a lower price “because people don’t care what they drink” so long as the price is right… they need to get a certain amount drunk for a certain amount of money, thats it! This is certainly the case in some towns and some pubs with the clientele they have around them.

What affect would brewing cheap beers with less ingredients have on the perception of what we do?

  • Maybe locally it would help beer sales.
  • Ethically it goes against everything I stand for about making beer.
  • Maybe it would devalue what we do.

So I guess its best to stick to our guns and brew beer in the way that feels right.

So how do we find more local support?? How do we get people outside of Cities to Shop Local??

We are considering having a Locals Night, invite only for current customers and pubs in the local area, landlords can bring their staff or a couple of their loyal customers and the beer and food will be on us.

Then there is the question, “Are all our beers Local-Friendly?” Nope, never in a month of Sundays will our beers tick the right boxes for local sales! (lots of variety and a greater mount of beers with a greater amount of ingredients)

Cycle back to the cheap beer with less ingredients! Ha!

And a slight aside to all that…..

There are brewers out there who are set in a race to the bottom, you see prices online with discounts that make you wonder how the heck they make any money let alone pay the correct Beer Duty. These brewers (they know who they are) need to get together and talk to each other about what they are doing, they are not helping themselves and only spoiling the beer market for themselves and others. Ask yourselves, How much do you value the beer you make?!

A big thanks to the loyal local customers we do have, tell ya friends 😉