First beers out of the door!
We brewed our Blonde and IPA last week, and a little something else that we are going to keep mostly in-house for when our Brewery Bar events start. The Blonde is 3.6% with a mix of Polish & German hops and Divination IPA is rammed full of American hops… and dry hopped too, its 5.6%.
Yesterday we brewed an all British-hopped Bitter ‘Gumption’, something English, something solid, weighing in at 4.5%, well now the weather is drawing in… ‘they are taking the roads in’ too so you’d best grab a pint and settle in.
Tomorrow we brew Bandit, Bandit is a 3.8% American Style Pale Ale, easy drinking but with plenty of hops complimented with Munich, Wheat & CaraGold malts.
We are going to need more of our Blonde to, it tasted mighty fine while filling casks on Monday.