Brewery Beer Prices

After a comment from some folks from London who were really impressed with our brewery prices while drinking in our brewhouse I thought I’d write a little blog about the reasons behind our pricing and the differences between Brewery-served beer and Pub-served beer.
Someone from #London was mega impressed by our brewery bar prices, it's good that we bring people into #Keighley :-)

The Brewery Bar @ £2 a pint
Rough & Ready, it may be flipping cold we have concrete floors & wooden seats with pallets for tables, we have 1 toilet and hire in Portable Toilets, we like to keep things simple with the giving of change, our staff get paid in kind, we only serve our own beer with a little Wine & Cider thrown in.

The Pub @ £3 a pint
Comfy Seats, Carpet, Posh bar, multiple staff that are paid in money and not beer, proper toilets, comfy, warm, open fires, a proper coffee machine, regular food service, a great range of beers, wines and spirits to choose from, a posh cash register (EPOS) for tallying up and giving change, pub games.

You can really appreciate the time and effort Landlords put in to make the pub what it is and also see where that difference in price comes from, so go appreciate your pub & Landlord the next time you are having a pint.

Cheers 🙂

*Keg beer: When we get our keg bar built we will sell it for £1 per Third, £3 a pint, for most beers due to the extra time, expense and effort that it takes to put carbonated beer into keg. There will be exceptions to this where a beer is particularly strong or the ingredients or process were more expensive, these beers will be fairly priced accordingly.