Brewplan for Tryanuary

We decided to shake up the brewplan in January so we could offer more to pubs supporting and drinkers drinking for #Tryanuary, we got all the recipes sorted before Christmas then back to brewing on 4th Jan. The First beer will be dry hopped in the fermenting vessel on Tuesday then heading into cask later in the week, its a Czech hopped beer using just Kazbek hops which are somewhat likened to American Cascade.

This coming week we will be rebrewing Pastiche, yeah that beers that you all loved so much will be back! We also brew Lunar Zenith, same malt bill and ABV but changed to hops for Equinox, Centennial & Amarillo… a pair of casks you won’t want to miss reserving.
lunarzenith pasticheLater in the month we are doing a new Session Bitter at 4.2% called Drover, we’ve let our Brewery Assistant Oliver loose on this recipe which includes Rye & Vienna malts along with British & American hops. Everyone loves a pint of our Gumption but we wanted something a bit toned down yet still be an interesting complexity, if the recipe works out we will brew it on rotation through the year. Erm… and actual LOL @ the sheep… its beer not to take too seriously.
Scwhwartz, a tiny little session Black IPA or India Black Ale if you want to be totally PC, 4.1% hopped with all German grown Cascade. I had a lovely German Cascade hopped beer from Acorn Brewery a while back, give that a go too if you spot it, lets hope our little BIPA does Das Deutsche Hopfen justice.
schwartzEarly in ‘Febrewery’ we will be brewing an old style ale, very British, very Traditional, and nice and strong at 6.5%, pull up that leather-clad chair to the fire, settle down with your favourite cheese selection and feel the warmth… meet Clog Iron (My Granddad was a Cobbler and used to make Clogs).

You can find out more about Tryanuary here – and