Elusive Brewing Collaboration

On Wednesday we brewed with our friends from Elusive Brewing in Reading, Andy & Jane are on a mission with a few collab brews and Meet the Brewer events up and down the country.

We had an idea for a nice easy drinking session ale, 7.5%-ish Double IPA… *Evil Grin*

Its got an OG of 1067 and we are hoping for a a FG of 1010 which will put us in the region of 7.4-7.5% ABV, a simple malt bill (Extra Pale, Munich and Carapils) with some Dextrose sugar added, hopped with Columbus, Citra and Equinox in the boil then we will be dry hopping this beast in the fermenter with more Equinox and Vic Secret at around 10g/Litre.
The plan is to Cask and Keg this beer, it will be the first use of our Warm Room to Keg-Condition to naturally carbonate our beer in KeyKegs prior to it going out into trade. All being well on Tuesday we will take delivery of a little 1BBL vessel that we will use to batch prime the beer before pumping it into Keykegs, this is also the vessel we will use for bottling our beer from…. Yeah, yeah, we mentioned bottling ages ago! The vessel should have been delivered in December, finally last week it arrived only to find they had made it wrong…. so we’ll get there eventually but its been things beyond our control that have been slowing us down.

Clog Iron at 6.5% was our biggest beer to date, Parallax is even bigger with more bitterness and a massive amount of hops, be sure to check out Elusive Brewing on Twitter too.